Friday, December 6, 2019

Drywood limited Liability Company Constitution

Questions: 1. Register a Proprietary Limited CO.You should refer to Section 117 of the Corp. Act, complete an APPLICATION FORM and and prepare all relevant consents NB section 117(2).You must also create a share register NB sections 167, 168 and 169. 2. Research then explain the reason and justification for the following sections of the corp act :- section 124; section 129(1) and section 588m(3). Your analysis of each section is worth 5% .word limit -aprox 200 words per section. Answer:s (1). Liability Company Constitution Statute, Title Name, Duration and Purpose of Article One Name. The legal person is called INTERCONLIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY can also be called by the short name ILLC .The objective of the company is to engage in the wider and general import and export of all goods related to medical, dental, pharmaceutical and other activities. (Constitution and by-laws of the South Church bridge.( Rural Telephone Company Limited, i.e.). Company Consent The consent form is both the directors and shareholders consent form. The companys final step is to take the incorporation process when submitting the directors and the shareholders forms of consent. The shareholders consent form may be signed by one of the shareholders to represent the general class of the shareholders. Holder assumes the quality of the establishment of the company and the factors affecting the right decisions must be recorded in the book of legalized acts in accordance to Article 40 of Decree Law number 21621. Items to be considered in consent letter b) Provide for the application of benefits by observing the provisions of decree c) Decide on the formation of reserves faculty d) Appoint and replace managers and liquidators; e) Provide investigations, audits and balances ; f) Amendment of the Statute; g) Increase or decrease the capital; h) Change in the name, subject and address of the company; i) Transform, merge, spin off, dissolve and liquidate the company; j) Decide on all other matters requiring the interest of the company B) INTERNAL MANAGEMENT: Management is the organ responsible for the administration of the company. Internal Management is formed by the following: - The General Manager, Owner or Manager, if the General Manager is occupied by the Holder; - The Sub Manager; - The Regional Managers; - Managers are individuals with the capacity to contract design and hire the Contractor (Dine and Koutsias, 2007). The first General Manager by operation of the law is stated in the primary transitional provision of these minutes .The term of office of management is indeterminate. The Contractor shall determine the remuneration amount of use. Share register including a class of redeemable preference shares A share register contains the following items, the specific allotment date or share issue date, the number of given class of shares, each share numbers allotted, share certificate and whether or not they are fully paid up, unpaid and the amount of money paid. In this case, the shares allotted are 1,000,000 shares. The class is fully paid ordinary shares with redeemable preferential snares making 10% of the total number of shares. The date of allotment is the establishment day of the company which is 12/05/2016. (Hannigan, 2009). (2). Sec 124 of Corp Act This section gives the right to accompany the legal capacity as an ordinary individual of the country of Australia and includes the right to make any agreement. It is reinforced by article 125 which states that performance of an agreement shall not be deemed invalid only because it supersedes the constitutional power of the company. Sec 129 It states that assumptions which can be made in presiding sec 128 is that replaceable rules and guidelines together with the constitution have complied with any person holding office of the director, chairman or company secretary, any other officer or agent in conducting performance duties which are proper. Guide on documents duly executed with or without a company seal. Sec 588M It gives guidelines on insolvent trading relating to recovery of compensation from the loss. The directors of the company can incur a debt acquired by the company and can be sued by the creditors for the same. The company can finally be wound up due to insolvency. It futher continues to say that whether the director has been charged or not for the offence, a civil suit can be instituted for recovery from him. References Constitution and bylaws of the South Churchbridge Rural Telephone Company Limited.(n.d.). [Saltcoats, Sask.?]: [The Company]. Dignam, A. and Lowry, J. (2009).Company law. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Dine, J. and Koutsias, M. (2007).Company law. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Hannigan, B. (2009).Company law. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Lettau, M., Ludvigson, S. and Ma, S. (n.d.).Capital share risk and shareholder heterogeneity in U.S. stock pricing. Mutuals' Redeemable and Deferred Shares Bill [HL]. (n.d.). .

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